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Taro Pharmaceutical

Health & Biotech

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About Company

Taro is a research-based international pharmaceutical company that was established on the principal that research and development would be the cornerstone of its growth strategy. Providing quality products through scientific innovations, diligence and precision is the goal of all of Taro's research programs.

Taro develops high-quality, proprietary and off-patent pharmaceuticals for markets in the US, Canada, Israel and other countries around the world. The Company produces a wide range of prescription and over-the counter products including tablets, capsules, suspensions, solutions, creams, and ointments.

Taro additionally synthesizes the active ingredients used in many of its key products. This vertical integration gives the Company a competitive advantage in availability of quality raw materials, reliability of supply and the cost of active pharmaceutical ingredients. This gives Taro control over the manufacturing and quality control process from the active ingredient through to the finished dosage form.

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