
Deerfield Management and the nation's No. 1 school of pharmacy, the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, are pleased to announce the launch of an innovative certificate program for students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals in biotherapeutics.

Titled "Molecules to Market," this certificate program aims to bridge the gap between industry and academia by teaching participants the business fundamentals required for translating scientific discoveries into commercial products with potential to improve human health. Multidisciplinary courses developed and taught by experienced researchers and drug developers at Deerfield and UNC-Chapel Hill illuminate the complex path to successful commercialization of a scientific idea. Courses include:

  • Translational Science
  • Fundamentals of Regulatory Affairs
  • Fundamentals of Biotherapeutic Market Analysis
  • Business Planning for Biotherapeutics
  • Preclinical Development
  • Clinical Development

Admission to the certificate program will be available to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and faculty and industry professionals who wish to learn more about the business behind developing a new medicine. Interested participants can enroll in any one of the available courses to earn an individual "microcredential" or opt to complete all program requirements to earn the full certificate.

"The Molecules to Market certificate program is a rigorous, rewarding introduction to biotechnology taught by specialists with experience along the road from lab bench to pharmacy shelf," commented Associate Professor and Assistant Dean Mike Jarstfer, PhD, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. "The program is designed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs and industry professionals with a strong foundation for success."

"For the past four years, Deerfield has partnered with UNC-Chapel Hill to advance promising technologies from academic to industrial settings. We are excited to now offer this expansive, accessible introduction to the world of drug development, which we hope will contribute to many other successfully marketed innovations in the future," commented James FlynnDeerfield's Managing Partner.

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